
Corporate Directors

  President – Nancy Farbo
  Vice President – Audrey Danforth
  Treasurer – Paul Stein
  Recording Secretary -Christine Sewell-Cooeny
  Corresponding Secretary – Kaz Whitmore

Non-Corporate Directors

  Region 1 Directors – Jeanne Hartrey & Kevin Zohfeld
  Region 2 Directors – Donald Savidge & vacant
  Region 3 Directors – Bill Edwards & Steven Gregory

You may reach Board members by contacting the business office at 727-596-4386

To assist the Board of Directors with the management of the community, there are the following Committees. All Committees are appointed by the Board.

Architectural Control Committee

  Chairperson – Nancy Farbo

Management Committee

  Chairperson – Audrey Danforth
  Recording Secretary – Ruth McGill

Management Sub-Committees

Clubhouse Activities & Reservations Coordinator – Janet Osbahr
Clubhouse Supplies Chairperson – Georgiann Agnew, Lynda Wagner

House & Roof Painting

Chairperson – Paul Kendrick
Keep In Touch Chairperson – Ann Beller
Lawns & Landscape Chairperson – Matt Yeager
Maintenance Department Supervisor – Nancy Farbo
Roads & Sewers Chairperson – Ray Bavi
Swimming Pool

Chairperson – Ann Beller, Mark Mallin

Water & Irrigation Chairperson – Audrey Danforth, Joe Williams, Bill Markley
Welcoming Committee Chairperson – Ann Beller
Yard Sales/Parking Cones Chairperson – Debby Wigginton
Newsletter Distribution & Block Captains
Chairpersons – Shirley O’Neill, Ruth McGill & Laura Zohfeld
Charter & By-Laws Chairperson – Ken Robillard, Joe Williams
Crime Watch Chairperson – Marty Beller, Gary Havener, John Makal
Economic & Finance Chairperson – Jim Acierno, Ken Robillard, Don Anderson, Jim Maroon
Registration Chairperson – Pat Shearer, Charmaine Silver, Veronica Robillard, Kathy Graeber
Telephone Directory & Emergency Card File Chairperson – Debby Wigginton